Human Immunodefficiency Virus (HIV) is a sexually transmitted retrovirus that targets vital cells of the immune system. As infection progresses and accelerates, afflicted patients lose their ability to fight off infections from pathogens that are not a problem for healthy immune systems. Once a patient's immune system cell count reaches a critical level (CD4+ count of less than 200 per micro liter), the person is considered to have Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS).


Symptoms of HIV can vary significantly, depending on the severity and phase of the infection, as well as the patient's overall health. In its early stages, patients may not experience any symptoms from this infection, or may notice signs similar to those of the flu, including a fever, headache, sore throat and swollen lymph glands.
Further symptoms may not present themselves for as long as eight or nine years, while the virus continues to spread throughout the body with patients often unaware that they are infected. During this time, you may experience minor infections or chronic symptoms of diarrhea, weight loss, fever and cough.
During the final stages of infection, which usually occurs 10 years or longer after the initial exposure, this condition usually transitions into AIDS, at which point patients may experience:

  • Night Sweats
  • Shaking Chills
  • High Fevers
  • Chronic Diarrhea
  • White Spots or Lesions
    in the Mouth
  • Weight Loss
  • Blurred Vision


Since HIV symptoms are usually mild and often unnoticeable in early stages, many people do not know that they are infected. Regular testing can help detect HIV in its early stages and can make treatment more effective. Testing involves evaluating the blood or oral mucus for signs of HIV antibodies, and is recommended for anyone sexually active, especially those with other STDs or with an increased risk of developing HIV. It takes up to 12 weeks after infection for antibodies to develop, so regular testing is recommended.At Family Care Torrance, we provide confidential HIV testing within our state-of-the-art facility. We understand the serious nature and potentially troubling results that testing may produce, which is why our doctors make themselves available to answer any questions you may have and help you through this difficult time.


HIV and AIDS are serious, life-threatening conditions that weaken the immune system and make patients highly susceptible to a number of different infections and cancers, including bacterial pneumonia, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, HPV, herpes simplex virus and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Fortunately, medications for HIV and AIDS significantly reduce the risk of developing these conditions, which is why treatment is essential to maintaining a patient's overall health and quality of life.


While there is no cure for this infection, there are several effective medications to slow the progression of the disease, strengthen the immune system and help patients maintain their quality of life with minimal side effects. Most patients are treated with Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), which slows the activity of HIV and promotes healthy immune system function. Treatment with HAART usually combines three or more antiretroviral agents that are taken on a regular basis throughout the patient's life.
Your doctor at Family Care Torrance will develop a personalized treatment plan for you based on your individual condition and overall health. We strive to remain on the cutting edge of treatment and offer patients the latest and most advanced medications as they become available.


As HIV is spread through sexual intercourse, it is important to avoid unprotected sex and to educate yourself and others on the risks associated with this serious infection. Using a condom every time you have sex and getting tested with your partner can reduce your risk of contracting HIV and help you maintain a healthy sex life.
In addition to sexual transmission, HIV can also spread through blood and breast milk. It is important to use clean needles that are not shared, and for women who may be infected to not breastfeed their children. Regular testing and open communication with your friends, partners and loved ones can help prevent the spread of infection.
Your doctor at Family Care Torrance will help you develop a personalized prevention plan to keep you and your loved ones safe and healthy.